Browsing by Author 18268
Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Publication date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Circles of Solidarity : The National Contexts of Diversity and Redistribution in Developed Democracies / by Alon Yakter | University of Michigan; Yakter, Alon |
2007 | Demanding only autonomy : The mobilization of Catalan nationhood in the Spanish democratic transition, 1970-1975 / Scott L. Greer | University of Michigan; Greer, Scott L. |
2019 | Dynamics Of Language Contact And Language Variation : The Case Of Transylvanian Saxon In The Homeland And The Diaspora / by
Ariana Bancu | University of Michigan; Bancu, Ariana |
2017 | Europe : Requiem for an Idea? / by Huzefa Khalil | University of Michigan; Khalil, Huzefa |
2019 | Managing Histories of Human Rights Abuses : Democratic Transitions and the Manifestation of Transitional Justice in Post-Dictatorship Spain and Chile / Aliza Sitrin | University of Michigan; Sitrin, Aliza |
2009 | Piracy, Globalization and Marginal Identities : Navigating Gender and Nationality in Contemporary Hispanic Fiction / by Alana B. Reid | University of Michigan; Reid, Alana B. |
2020 | Political Battlefields in French Musical Education : Provincial Conservatories under the Nazi Occupation and Vichy Regime / by Jessica H. Grimmer | University of Michigan; Grimmer, Jessica |
2019 | Remediating Endangerment : Radio and the Animation of Memory in the Western Amazon / by Georgia C. Ennis | University of Michigan; Ennis, Georgia |
2018 | Roots in Stone and Slavery Permanence, Mobility, and Empire in Seventeenth-Century Cartagena de Indias / by Ana María Silva Campo | University of Michigan; Silva Campo, Ana |
2019 | Summary of Dissertation Recitals / by Hsiu-Jung Hou | University of Michigan; Hou, Hsiu-Jung |
2016 | The Politics of the Terrorist Watch List / by Anna Grace Cotter | University of Michigan; Cotter, Anna Grace |
2015 | The Turning Wheel of Hostility : The E.T.A. in Literature and Film in Spain Since the 1970s. / by David M. Collinge | University of Michigan; Collinge, David M. |
2018 | Versatile Violin : An Exploration of Violin Repertoire from the Baroque Era to Present Day / by Christina M. Adams | University of Michigan; Adams, Christina |