Título: Unholy alliances? : nationalist exiles, minorities and anti-fascism in interwar Europe
Autores: Núñez Seixas, Xosé Manoel
Palabras clave:   Nacionalismo
Fecha de incorporación a EMD: 11-nov-2016
Relación: Contemporary European History, Vol. 25, Special Issue 4 (Nov. 2016), p. 597-617
Resumen: Ethno-nationalist exiles in the interwar period were a unique species. While some of them relied on their own diasporic networks and waited for a chance, others established agitation platforms and regarded themselves as an alternative International of the ‘oppressed peoples’. Most of these alliances ended in failure, as it proved extremely difficult to reconcile the demands stemming from divergent national claims, such as those of autonomist factions versus irredentist or pro-independence groups, or those of national minorities seeking reintegration into their motherland as opposed to groups seeking independence. This article explores the relationship between minority nationalist exiles and anti-fascism by focusing on three issues: the emergence and evolution of ‘international alliances’ of minority activists in interwar Europe; contacts and ideological exchanges between ethno-nationalist exiles and liberal and anti-fascist segments of European public opinion and, finally, the emergence of a transnational anti-fascist nationality theory.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10357/47341
Repositorio origen: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/contemporary-european-history/article/unholy-alliances-nationalist-exiles-minorities-and-antifascism-in-interwar-europe/08181FC9A3085CDF4ABFAB12DCCF5D78
Derechos: © Cambridge University Press 2016 Copyright de los autores de los artículos y/o editores de la revista
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