Title: | Euskal presoen eskubideen alde [Material gráfico] : ostirala 17 parte hartu : concentración silenciosa, acude |
Autor: | Partido Nacionalista Vasco
Palabras clave: | Presos vascos Carteles
Issue Date to EMD: | 2-Sep-2020 |
Publisher: | [S.l.]: PNV, [etc.] |
Description: | La convocatoria también la hacen: EH, EA, EB-IU, JARRAI, EGI, ELKARRI, AAB, SENIDEAK, ELA y LAB |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/10357/56035 |
Link to the catalogue: | 432855 |
Rights: | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ |
Appears in Collections: | [EMD01.02PBM] Material grafikoa = Material gráfico
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