Izenburua: La población mayor con discapacidad a través de la encuesta sobre discapacidades, deficiencias y estado de salud de 1999. Aplicación en el País Vasco
Beste izenburu batzuk: Papers de demografia (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics) ; 283
Autores: Alustiza, Ainhoa
Argitalpena: Bellaterra : Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics, 2006
Deskribapena: Las fuentes estadísticas relativas al estado de salud en general y de los efectos de sus deficiencias en particular han sido desarrollados recientemente. El hogar constituye el lugar elegido por la gran mayoría de las personas que presentan problemas funcionales y la familia sigue siendo la institución que proporciona en mayor medida la atención y los cuidados requeridos por las personas que presentan problemas de salud y de discapacidad. [...] Statistical sources about general health state and about its negatives effects (deficiencies) in particular had been developed only recently. The household is the chosen place by most of the people with functional problems and the family continues supplying, to a great extent, people with health and disability problems most of the required attention and personal care. In this sense, the Disabilities, Deficiencies and Health Survey carried out by the National Statistics Institute in 1999 represents one of the first statistical source with such a great significance that studies the relation between health problems and the function on which those problems affects. It is the only data source that provides information about people living together with the disabled person and the health care provided inside the household. Taking into account those considerations, the objective of the present article is to show the potential of this Survey as an important information source to study this topic. At the same time, we will show some examples of its possible applications on the area of the Basque Country.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10357/61082
Jatorrizko biltegia: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/220740
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